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How Social Media Can Help You Grow Your Business

A lot of people are using social media these days. It is said that there are 2.19 billion active Facebook users each month. With the number of people using social media, business owners have found another platform to promote their brand and connect with their target audience.

How about you? Do you have your social media profiles ready? Why not take advantage and set up your social media profiles today? If you are still hesitant, continue reading this article. We will share to you how social media can help in achieving success for your business.


There are billions of people using social media. Considering the number of active social media users around the world, these people can be the same people that walk through your establishment. These people can be the same people that call you to enquire about your services. When you have social media profiles for your business, connecting with these people can be done without any hassle.


When you compare it to the traditional methods of business advertising, social media ads are much cheaper. Social media is just like search engines which has algorithms to help filter what users see. These algorithms are advantageous in reaching your target audience. You can specify the demographics you want to target and let social media do its job. You can easily increase brand recognition without having to spend a fortune on advertising your brand.


Social media users do not just create social media accounts just to have it. They really are active on social media. They spend time checking their social media accounts multiple times in a day. When you use social media in promoting your business, social media users can see your ads and/or posts in their newsfeed several times in a week. By the time they are looking for products and/or services, they will be able to remember your brand.


Considering the fact that there are a lot of people using social media nowadays, you can easily reach your customers and more of your target audience. People of all ages use social media. So, regardless of how young or old your audience can be, what their gender preference is, or where they are located around the world, they are all on social media. You may not know it but they could have just been waiting for you to have your social media profiles set up for them to know more about your brand.


Unlike TV ads where your air time can be limited and billboards wherein more words can just clutter your ad, you can share more details about your business on social media. Prospective customers would like to learn more about a brand before they purchase products or hire it for its services. When you set up your social media profile, you can indicate what your business offers, its address, contact numbers, links to other social media profiles and more. You can also update your contact information in just a few clicks. You may not be aware but search engine robots crawl into social media sites. This means that your social media profiles and posts can show up when a user searches for your brand and related products and/or services using Google and other major search engines.


With social media, your business can get the word out easily. This can provide you the exposure that your brand may be lacking. Since there are a lot of social media users, you will have better opportunity to be seen by your target audience and have better relationships with them. Some of the followers you have on social media may have purchased your product or hired your services in the past. As you have your social media profile, they will surely tell more of their friends or colleagues about you.


On social media, it is easy to send a private message or even comment on your posts. This could encourage better communication for you and your customers. It will be easier to collect customer feedback as they can share their ideas and opinion through comments. They can also send you a message whenever they have questions about your products and/or services. You will also be able to respond to them quickly and without any worries that they may not be able to see your response.


Customer service is of great importance no matter how small or large your business is. Customers like it when you can respond to their questions and concerns faster. Set up social media profiles and improve your quality of customer service. As you will receive notifications whenever a user comments on your posts or sends you a message, no feedback and enquiries will go unnoticed. Being able to respond fast can also improve people’s impression of your brand. They will have this impression that, in case they will encounter problems, you will be able to provide the help they need.


One of the features of social media networks is the ability to share your newsletter to your followers. Your target audience can subscribe to your email list and receive newsletter from you. Email marketing and social media marketing can be a powerful duo for businesses. These are the two main platforms in which you can connect with current and new customers alike. This helps you to reach more of your target audience further.


People use their smartphones to check their social media accounts. This provides them hassle-free access knowing that they will be able to connect to the world wherever they are. People also use their smartphones whenever they are looking for products to buy or a place to dine on the go. Knowing about that, your social media presence can improve your chances for your business to be found.

What are you waiting for?

Now that we’ve discussed how social media can help with business success, it is time to step up the game and be active on social media. Connect with your target audience effectively by posting on a regular basis about new products and/or services and any updates your business may have. Improve your customer service by responding to your customer’s concerns and enquiries.

If you need more expert advice on this matter, feel free to contact us here at M Business & Marketing Solutions.